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September 29, 2020

Dental IT Services and Data Privacy for Dental Offices

Author: Sam Munakl

As we all know that Data Privacy is one of the greatest concerning issues nowadays. To handle all the data is a complicated one. The data breach is one of the greatest concerns now. Dental Offices are not an exceptional one. They need to handle a humongous amount.

ts of data which is known as the Protected Health Information. PHI is the private medical information which includes Address, Date of birth, Phone number, Email address, Social Security number, Medical history, mental health condition, Laboratory tests and results, Insurance information. PHI uniquely identifies the specific individual. 

It is the Dental Office’s responsibility to take care of patient’s data. Not only that, handle it properly too. Proper data handling is not only a patient’s concern but also the health care provider’s mandatory procedure to rely on compliance. 

Let’s check out what is Data Privacy?

Data privacy is the procedure for how dental clinics collect, store, and share the patient’s data. When it comes to dental offices data privacy is how to handle the patient’s data and should ensure the data transmission should be for the intended purpose. 

Importance of Data Privacy

Having a solid information protection program decreases the probability of security penetrations. Furthermore, it reduces the chance of paying fines, claims, and multi-year punishments. 

At the point when information that ought to be kept hidden gets inappropriate hands, awful things can occur. An information break at an administration organization can, for instance, place highly confidential data in the possession of an adversary state. A break at a clinic or specialist’s office can place PHI in the possession of the individuals who may abuse it.

1. Right Practices for Data Privacy

To assure the safety and security of the patient’s data it is better to practice some good data privacy practices.

2. Data Privacy training for the employees

Educate your employees to avoid the mishandling of patient’s Personal Health Information. It should be mandatory to provide data privacy training to the corresponding employees who handle PHI.

 3. Use Security Tools

There are many security tools available at the market to secure the data such as Cytek Safeguard, Cytek Security Mail, Cytek Shield, and Cytek Chat. 

4. Observe the Network Suspicious Activities Such as

Abnormal activities in the database, Account abuse, User access changes, changing files, unusual behavior in-network, and more.

5. If you think you will never Target it is wrong

Never think that your dental offices will not get targeted by criminals. As per the records, hackers are preferring small business organizations and health care organizations. 

Do you ever check out that your dental office is strong enough to store patient’s data securely? Without proper data security factors, it is risky to handle the data. Otherwise, your PHI is at risk. At this point, trustable Dental IT Services can help you. For more contact us today.












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